The American and French revolutions both compare and contrast in their origins and outcomes; both revolutions began due to the common peoples need to obtain independence and liberty from an oppressive government. The American Revolution was triggered by the American colonists need for financial independence from the overpowering nation of Great Britain, while the French revolution American and French Revolution Essay. Both the American and French revolutions had major effects on people and how they wanted their country to be run. These people fought for what they believed in and didn't give up. In the end the better of the people rose The American Revolution And The French Revolution Essay. Words | 6 Pages. The American Revolution was of a progressive nature and had a world-historical significance. The American Revolution had several features that distinguish it from the English bourgeois revolution, and the French Revolution
Essay on Comparison of the American and French Revolutions | Bartleby
The American and French revolutions are considered as some of the most influential and consequential events of the second half of the eighteenth century. The causes of the two revolutions had much in common, which allowed some scholars to call them twin revolutions. The first similarity in the initiation of the two revolutions was the taxation issue. Meanwhile, in France, the revolution started with a financial crisis. For the French, there prevailed the system of privileges for nobility, clergymen, and wealthy peasants, of which poor people were deprived.
Another condition initiating the two revolutions was the endeavor to become independent. For Americans, it was the independence of their colonizer, and for the French, it was the attempt to become free from the monarchy. For both countries, revolutions were the guiding power to compose their first constitutions.
As a result, both revolutions made it possible to create a set of rights and freedoms for American and French people. At the same time, there were some considerable differences between the two revolutions. Firstly, French people rebelled against their government, whereas Americans american and french revolution essay to gain freedom from american and french revolution essay colonizer. Secondly, the rebels in France had bloodier intentions and attached more significance to their ideas and actions.
Finally, both revolutions had at their core the ideals of the Enlightenment. Furthermore, both revolutions were trying to gain fraternity for their people. Also, in France, Enlightenment ideas were represented in opposition to absolute monarchy, american and french revolution essay. Finally, in both countries, people wanted to separate church from state, which was one of the premises of the Enlightenment.
While the reasons for initiating revolutions in France and America were similar, there were not only similar but also divergent features in their outcomes. In both countries, the segment of revolutionaries who experienced significant success as a result of their fight was represented by the majority of the common people, american and french revolution essay.
This class of population gained the most important goal: that of independence and freedom. However, some groups experienced little change in their social status. On the larger part, such people were French since their endeavors turned out not to be completely fulfilled.
Americans gained independence and received several freedoms, and the French tried to copy the success of their predecessors. It is impossible to say that there were some groups active in the revolutions but not having experienced a major change in their social life. There were considerable alterations both for American and French people as a consequence of revolutionary activities.
Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the two revolutions brought about american and french revolution essay change not only in the lives of their people but also in the further course of events in the whole world. Baker, Hunter. Goldstone, Jack A. Revolutions: Theoretical, Comparative, and Historical Studies. Belmont, CA: Cengage, Jones, Gareth Stedman.
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Aug 24, · Another condition initiating the two revolutions was the endeavor to become independent. For Americans, it was the independence of their colonizer, and for the French, it was the attempt to become free from the monarchy. For both countries, revolutions were the guiding power to compose their first constitutions The American and French revolutions both compare and contrast in their origins and outcomes; both revolutions began due to the common peoples need to obtain independence and liberty from an oppressive government. The American Revolution was triggered by the American colonists need for financial independence from the overpowering nation of Great Britain, while the French revolution The American Revolution And The French Revolution Essay. Words | 6 Pages. The American Revolution was of a progressive nature and had a world-historical significance. The American Revolution had several features that distinguish it from the English bourgeois revolution, and the French Revolution
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