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Archetype research paper

Archetype research paper

archetype research paper

Purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyze the modern-day feminine beauty ideal through the lens of Jungian archetypes. Methodology: An extensive literary review of relevant articles for the period was performed using PubMed and Google databases, with the following key words: "Feminine beauty ideal, body image, beauty and youth, mental health problems, C.G. Jung, archetypes of Archetype Research Paper. Writing a research paper is a multistep, arduous process – but it can be a fun process too! Learning this skill is necessary if you wish to pursue. any. kind of post-secondary training (college, technical school, military) or any kind of job that may require research (there are more of Archetypes are part of a theory of “collective consciousness” proposed by Carl Jung. According to some, “the archetype has no form of its own, but it acts as an “organizing principle” on the things we see or do” (Boeree). There quite a few of these archetypes that can apply to


Pablo: Creo que los arquetipos representan un mecanismo fundamental para la gestación de la personalidad e imagen de marca. Es aquí donde ser revela el poder de la psicología profunda y el imaginario colectivo.

Te felicito por haber incluido este maravillo post. Estoy segura que la comunidad de investigadores, consultores y docentes en insights y técnicas cualitativas archetype research paper lo agradecerán. Continúa en la senda!!! Un abrazo desde Perú, Cristina Quiñones. Publicar un comentario. skip to main skip to sidebar. Pages Home iQ 2. Think about the last qualitative research study you worked on.

Maybe you conducted some focus groups on positioning, concept testing, packaging design, copy testing or branding research. If that sounds familiar, you might have even done a few exercises where participants discussed the differences between brands and advertising. And, you might have even asked questions such as how is Brand X different than Brand Y.? You probably spent a lot of time drilling down on all the different product attributes and benefits or even do some laddering to uncover the core values of a brand or product, right?

But what happens after the research is completed? Researchers typically struggle to make sense of the various adjectives participants offer; merging then into cohesive themes. Instead, the more logical is reported; categorizing the associations by positive feelings about Brand X and negative feelings about Brand Y. So what value does a laundry list of verbatim adjectives really provide clients?

As qualitative researchers, we work to elicit feelings from consumers in order to provide valuable underlying information about brand imagery and emotional drivers. So what are archetypes and where does the idea come from? Robert Johnson, Innerwork. Jung, Psychology and Religion, archetype research paper. The premise is that people come into the world with patterns of instinctual behavior waiting to be developed, awakened and explored.

Psychologist Erik Erickson then identified three psychosocial stages of life that everyone goes through, archetype research paper, and they are: the preparation stage for separation dependencethe journey to find the individual independenceand the return to community interdependence, archetype research paper. The Innocent — defined as the pure and trusting part of us that retains faith regardless of personal experience The Orphan — the part that has been betrayed, abused or abandoned The Caregiver — the ability to nurture and care for others and ourselves The Warrior — the ability to protect and defend ourselves and set limits and goals.

The Seeker — the need to search for something different, archetype research paper meaning, explore and wander. The Lover — the ability to care, to bond to make commitments and have passion. The Creator — archetype research paper ability to open the imagination and bring forth something that never existed before. The Destroyer — the ability to choose to let go and rid yourself of things that no longer support your values.

The Ruler — the ability to use all of our resources and to take responsibility for ourselves and others. The Sage — the ability to attain wisdom, seek truth The Magician — the ability to change what needs to be changed by acting on our own visions The Jester — the ability to experience life fully, archetype research paper. Knowing these archetypes helps us understand human behavior, how we are living and leads to an understanding of our needs as consumers, archetype research paper.

Archetypes are extremely useful in marketing and qualitative research because they are meaningful and symbolic ways for consumers to connect with brands. Understanding archetypal meaning and using psychological principles in marketing is now becoming more of a pre-requisite to effective marketing, whereas in the past, it was considered an extra perk. Great brands require great stories and great stories are built around a character.

Well if you think about the top brands, most of them have symbolic and aspirational stories: ones that connect with something very deep in consumers. These original archetypes still exist and apply to contemporary marketing and in this case are used as universally recognized patterns not stereotypes archetype research paper stereotypes are often negative associations which recur in society and help us to understand, recognize and assimilate the world. They can be used to guide the direction of brand communication to a deep-seated place within the human psyche, and in turn, it is easier for consumers to identify with brands that have archetypal meaning.

Mark and Pearson in their book: The Hero and the Outlaw — Building Extraordinary Brands through the Power of Archetypesdefine the twelve archetypes expressed most often in pop-culture today.

Below is a list of the different archetype research paper, what their primary function is and an example of a brand that exemplifies the archetype unfortunately the scope of this paper does not permit an explanation of each :. So, take a moment to think about some of the great global brands: Disney, Coke, Apple, Nike and Starbucks, they all have great stories in common and are consistently represented archetype research paper one of the twelve universal archetypes.

How about Apple computers? Ever notice that their logo is an apple with a bite out of it which symbolizes the forbidden fruit in the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and in archetype research paper case represents forbidden knowledge and their motto is Think Different. The Apple brand is the ultimate Outlaw archetype: the brand stands for independent thinking and creativity and is known for archetype research paper the anti-corporate computer.

Take the brand Nikethe preeminent hero archetype, archetype research paper. No wonder top athletes in each sport such as Michael Jordan are often spokesmen for Nike! How about Starbucksarchetype research paper, the cultural phenomenon. Then, the masculine name, Starbuck, was actually the name of the first mate on the whaling ship in the classic story of Moby Dick. Starbucks, the ultimate explorer archetype, delivers on its explorer theme consistently in its logo, name, packaging, product and service.

The product is and becomes whatever you want, desire and create; there are endless coffee and non-coffee choices, combinations and possibilities for the exploring customer. Notice, how they even ask customers for their name while creating beverages and write archetype research paper name on the cup; this signifies that it is your cup of coffee, made to order for you.

These examples demonstrate that the brand image the external meaning intended by marketers such as the merchandising, archetype research paper, packaging and logois consistent with the brand essence the internal meaning interpreted by the customer experience.

Imagine if they were not consistent and a brand, such as a retailer, is trying to position itself as a Caregiver archetype, one that is trying archetype research paper help and provide products that help customers with their busy lives, but instead does not successfully deliver on its intended mission and instead customers perceive the in-store experience brand as having poor customer service with disgruntled employees, archetype research paper.

When brands fail to match up with an archetypal identity and if there are noticeable inconsistencies between the brands image and essence, they are usually less successful. Next time you conduct qualitative research, take some time to understand the archetype of the brand. deliver on the archetypal personality.

Additionally, ethnographies are especially useful in brand and archetypal analysis because it allows for rich insights into consumers lives by observing, interacting, and discussing how the brands and products fit in consumers lives.

When doing brand and advertising research, two fundamental questions need to be evaluated: first, is the brand story archetype research paper, consistent and understood by consumers so consumers will connect with the brand on an emotional level; second, archetype research paper, does the brand story align with one of the twelve universal archetypes?

Before fieldwork, do some homework and a pre-immersion session to get relevant information and learn factual research on your brands image: such as the history, who created it, when was it created, how it is positioned, who does it appeal to and how is it doing in category.

Then, conduct qualitative research to uncover the brand essence: the raw materials and brand truth such as, archetype research paper is the relationship consumers have with the brand, why do they use the brand, in what circumstances, what is the brand known for, how do consumers use the brand, archetype research paper, and archetype research paper does it fit into their lives?

It is essential to understand the role of the brand: what jobs does the brand fulfill? What I mean by jobs is based upon Christensen book The Innovators Solutionwhere he argues that customers hire products to do specific jobs.

For instance, a cup of coffee in the morning could serve many jobs: to wake me up, to put something warm in my body or to while away the time on a boring commute to work. Generate conclusions about the brands archetype to see if it aligns with one of the twelve universal ones.

Is it the appropriate archetype? Is the archetype relevant and meaningful to the target market? Assess the archetypes archetype research paper the competitive set: understand how the brand is performing against competitors, does the competitive set live up to the intended archetypes? Is there an opportunity for a new archetype in the category? Think about what will differentiate your brand from another and make sure you deliver you message in a clear, consistent, archetype research paper, meaningful and aspirational story.

If you would like to learn more about archetypes and branding, I recommend the following six books:. Etiquetas: advertising researchArchetypesArchetypical researcharquetiposbrandingethnographyladderingprojective techniquesqualitative research. Entrada más reciente Entrada antigua Página Principal.

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What is an Archetype?

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archetype research paper

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