Essay on animal resources elite furniture case study. Case study about procurement argument for euthanasia essays, guide on writing research paper good college essay definition of about man Essay philosophy winter season essay in english words. How to introduce an artwork in an essay dance scholarship essay does colorado state university · The Emotional Man (s): Free Love, Personal Peace, and Weakness Capitalizing on the last generation’s greatest mistake, infidelity, the next generation, the so-called “Emotional Man”, became a master at the art of emotional expression and blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins · Long Essay on Man – Essay 6 ( Words) Introduction “Man” is a term used to identify the male of humans. The term typically refers to an adult male, who has passed boyhood and attained maturity. “Man” is a singular word and the plural form of the word is “Men”.Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Summary on essay on man
We all understand the term man Plural — Men. It is a familiar term which is commonly used. But do we really know how man or the human species came into being and how it evolved over the time?
Man as we see today is an outcome of evolution that took place over millions of years. Man is said to be the most intelligent creature on earth. No wonder, he has come up with man essay many things to make life comfortable and worth living. Today, man has inhabited every corner of the globe and there is no longer an area or place which has not been explored by him.
One of the most important qualities of man is intelligence. With an exceptional ability to think, judge and make decisions, man has established himself as the most influential species on the planet. Men also hold apex position in societies and family structure. We have provided below long and short essay on man in English for your information and knowledge.
After going through these Man Essay you will be able to understand the evolution of man since the beginning of ages. Man is the most wonderful creation of God. Almighty equipped man with the power of thinking and reasoning and this is what distinguishes him from the other living beings. Man does not just exist but lives to his fullest by making use of various resources available on earth.
Human species have evolved from monkeys and apes. Man has evolved immensely since the ancient age. The early man had a huge built, ate raw food, lived in caves and wore bare minimal clothing made of leaves and animal skin. After inventing fire man began roasting animals and vegetables before eating. A number of inventions were made with time. Man moved out of the caves and built houses to live in. Soon villages were formed and then towns and cities came into being.
Means of transport also evolved and so did various other things. So, basically with the evolution of man, man essay, a number of things were invented and they evolved over the time too. Today, man has progressed in every sphere of life.
He has invented numerous things to make his life comfortable and entertaining. However, in the event he has deteriorated the environment. The man essay that was once fresh and pure has now become polluted. This has led to the extinction of various species of flora and fauna and has also given rise to various kinds of illnesses. Man has always preferred to live in groups.
From the primitive period, man lived and moved in groups, man essay. This made him feel secure and helped him guard himself from the wild animals. People still man essay socializing. Society, family and culture are man essay utmost importance to the man.
Leave a man all alone for a month and see what happens to him. He will suffer from loneliness, depression and incur physical and mental health ailments due to it. It is not possible for a man to live alone. Man is and has always been a social animal. He loves being around other people. Sharing his thoughts with man essay friends and family members, spending time with them and indulging in different activities with them makes him feel alive and give him a sense of belonging.
In the earlier times, man essay in India lived in joint families, man essay. The joint family system had several advantages. It man essay good for the all round development of the children. It also proved to be good for the elderly.
However, there has been a shift in the culture lately. The younger generation is drifting apart and wants to live independently for various reasons. Now, while the younger generation wants their privacy and wish to do things their own way this does not mean they do not feel the need to be around people. They have their own ways to do so. Had it not been for this, the social man essay platforms and social networking apps would man essay have gained so much popularity.
Human mind is ever enhancing and human intelligence is ever growing but if there is one thing that has remained constant, it is his need to feel safe and secure. This sense of security comes by being in touch with our near and man essay ones, man essay.
God created all the men alike. It also created an environment suitable for the survival of man. However, man has messed with both these things. Men built boundaries and created man essay differences on the basis of his religion, caste, man essay, creed, economic status and what not, man essay. He likes to socialize with people man essay to his stature and looks down upon those lower than him. The advancements in technology brought about by man have intervened with the normal functioning of the environment and it is on the verge of destruction.
Culture has a huge impact on the upbringing of a man. This is the reason why people belonging to different cultures have different mindsets, man essay. A thing or situation that man essay appear normal to people belonging to one culture may seem completely bizarre to others. The people of India have a high regard for their culture. Indians believe in respecting their elders and obeying them. Unlike the foreign nations, children in India keep living with their parents even as they become adult.
People belonging to different castes and religions live here in peace and harmony. Similarly, people belonging to other cultures stick to man essay values that help in shaping their personality and view point. While the human life has improved and enhanced in various ways, this advancement has also had a number of negative repercussions.
One of these is its impact on the environment. The industrial revolution proved to be a boon for the society. Numerous people got jobs and several new products were produced to make life comfortable for man. Several industries have been established since then, man essay.
Numerous products are being manufactured each day for our use. Both day-to-day used items as well as luxury items are being produced in these industries to enhance our lifestyle. While our lifestyle is being enhanced, life on earth is getting degraded, man essay.
The growing number of industries and vehicles has led to air, water and land pollution, man essay. This pollution is degrading the environment.
Several other human practices are also contributing to the pollution. It has impacted biodiversity and man essay causing several ailments among man as well man essay other living beings.
It is time man must stop and think where he is heading. It is time to go back to our roots and stop polluting the environment.
If we continue this way, our planet would no longer be worth living. Man is regarded as the most intelligent species. Unlike other animals on earth, man is involved in so many activities that help him grow mentally and also impact his physical well-being.
Man has been granted with intelligence and he has made complete use of it to make his life comfortable. The life early man led was completely different from how we live today. In the ancient times or the Stone Age, which was about 2 million years ago, man lived in the jungles amid wild animals. He struggled to find food.
He hunted wild animals, man essay, caught fishes and birds and ate them to quench his hunger. He also climbed up trees to have fruits, vegetables and leaves. Early man is thus also referred to as hunter-gatherer.
He lived in caves and wore clothes made out of animal skins and leaves. Just as the modern man, the early man also preferred living with his kin. The early man often moved from place to place in search of food and settled at places that were based near river or water streams, man essay. He travelled from place to place mainly when his food sources at one place got exhausted, man essay.
Animals and birds usually migrate from one place to the other. Since the main source of food for the early man was animals, he too moved along with them. Besides, different trees man essay plants bear fruits and vegetables in different seasons. Thus, early man also moved as per the seasons. He moved in groups as it gave a sense of security.
While initially, early man walked on foot, he soon crafted wheel and built bullock carts to travel long distances.
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, time: 6:05Essay about philosophy of man
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