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Access to Cambridge theses | Open Research
The University's institutional repository, Apolloholds full-text digital versions of over 5, Cambridge PhD theses and is a rapidly growing collection deposited by Cambridge Ph. graduates The University expects to hit 6, theses thesis phd cambridge the repository by the end of More information on how to access theses by University of Cambridge students can be thesis phd cambridge on the access to Cambridge theses webpage.
The requirement for impending PhD graduates to deposit a digital version in order to graduate means the repository will be increasing at a rate of approximately 1, per year from this source, thesis phd cambridge.
About theses are added annually through requests to make theses Open Access or via requests to digitize a thesis in printed format. Theses can be thesis phd cambridge in iDiscover. Guidance on searching for theses in iDiscover can be found here. Requests for consultation of printed theses, not available online, should be thesis phd cambridge at the Manuscripts Reading Room Email: mss lib, thesis phd cambridge.
Further information on the University Library's theses, thesis phd cambridge, dissertations and prize essays collections can be consulted at this link. Copies of theses may be provided to researchers in accordance thesis phd cambridge the law and in a manner that is common across UK libraries.
The law allows us to provide whole copies of unpublished theses to individuals as long as they sign a declaration saying that it is for non-commercial research or private study. Are you a Cambridge alumni and wish to make your Ph. thesis available online?
You can do this by depositing it in Apollo the University's institutional repository, thesis phd cambridge. Click here for further information on how to proceed.
Current Ph, thesis phd cambridge. D students at the University of Cambridge can find further information about the requirements to deposit theses on the Office of Scholarly Communication theses webpages.
Electronic copies of Ph, thesis phd cambridge. theses submitted at over UK universities are obtainable from EThOSa service set up to provide access to all theses from participating institutions. It achieves this by harvesting e-theses from Institutional Repositories and thesis phd cambridge digitising print theses as they are ordered by researchers using the system.
Overtheses are already available in this way. Please note that it does not supply theses submitted at the universities of Cambridge or Oxford although they are listed on EThOS. Registration with EThOS is not required to search for a thesis but is necessary to download or order one unless it is stored in the university repository rather than the British Library in which case a link to the repository will be displayed.
Many theses are available without charge on an Open Access basis but in all other cases, if you are requesting a thesis that has not yet been digitised you will be asked to meet the cost. Once a thesis has been digitised it is available for free download thereafter. When you order a thesis it will either be immediately available for download or writing to hard copy or it will need to be digitised.
A picture of a scanner indicates thesis phd cambridge thesis can be ordered for digitisation from print.
In this case, there may be a charge to cover the scan process and you will need to wait several weeks for the thesis to be copied. This thesis phd cambridge indicates that the thesis is under an embargo or access is restricted in another way, thesis phd cambridge. You will not be able to download the thesis immediately nor order a scan from the paper copy.
Some universities allow you to visit the library to view the print copy, thesis phd cambridge. Many theses will not be available at all if restricted by the author. If an item is embargoed, make a note of the embargo date and check back once this date is reached, thesis phd cambridge. See the Search results section of the help page for full information on interpreting search results in EThOS.
For more information see About EThOS. Electronic versions of non-UK theses may be available from the institution at which they were submitted, sometimes on an open access basis from the institutional repository. A good starting point for discovering freely available electronic theses and dissertations beyond the UK is the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations NDLTDwhich facilitates searching across institutions.
Information can also usually be found on the library web pages of the relevant institution. The DART Europe etheses portal lists several thousand full-text theses from a group of European universities. The University Library subscribes to the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses PQDT database which includes 2. The database offers full text for most of the dissertations added since and strong retrospective full text coverage for older graduate works. Each dissertation published since July includes a word abstract written by the author, thesis phd cambridge.
Master's theses published since include word abstracts. A fee is payable for ordering a dissertation from this source. To obtain the full text of a dissertation as a downloadable PDF you can submit your request via the University Library Inter-Library Loans department see contact details below.
Alternatively you can pay yourself for the dissertation PDF on the PQDT platform. Dissertations and theses submitted at non-UK universities may also be requested on Inter-Library Loan through the Inter-Library Loans department orill lib. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This website works best with modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results, thesis phd cambridge.
Cambridge Libraries Cambridge LibGuides. Access to theses and dissertations from other institutions and from the University of Cambridge This guide provides information on searching for theses of Cambridge PhDs and for theses of UK universities and universities abroad, thesis phd cambridge.
For information and guidance on depositing your thesis as thesis phd cambridge Cambridge PhD, visit the Cambridge Office of Scholarly Communication pages on theses here.
This guide gives essential information on how to obtain theses using the British Library's EThOS service. A full list of resources for searching theses online is provided by the Cambridge A-Z, available here. University of Cambridge theses Finding a Cambridge PhD thesis online via the institutional repository The University's institutional repository, Apollothesis phd cambridge, holds full-text digital versions of over 5, Cambridge PhD theses and is a rapidly growing collection deposited by Cambridge Ph.
Locating and obtaining a copy of a Cambridge PhD thesis not yet available via the repository Theses can be searched in iDiscover. How to make your thesis available online through Cambridge's institutional repository Are you a Cambridge alumni and wish to make your Ph. UK Theses and Dissertations Electronic thesis phd cambridge of Ph. World-wide incl. UK theses and dissertations Electronic versions of non-UK theses may be available from the institution at which they were submitted, sometimes on an open access basis from the institutional repository.
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