When students want to receive online assignment help they don’t want to risk their money and their reputation in college. Thus, Brand Loyalty Dissertation unlike some Brand Loyalty Dissertation of the other companies out there, our online assignment writing service guarantees that every paper is written from scratch and is % original. Whenever you order from /10() As a % legit paper writing website we guarantee to fulfill your task from scratch within the Brand Loyalty Dissertation next 24 hours. Brand Loyalty Dissertation If you need, we could do it even faster. An essay can be written in 1 hour, just say the word. Also, you'll be glad to know Brand Loyalty Dissertation that more than 35% of orders are done before the Brand /10() Nov 28, · Brand loyalty is the consumer’s conscious or unconscious choice that is expressed intentionally or a behavioral pattern to repurchase a brand again. This happens following the perception of the consumer that the brand provides the right image, characteristics or quality based on reasonable blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins
Brand Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction in Online Retailing Company
The rise in living standards, ease of accessibility to finance coupled with a wide variety to choose from has made consumer durable market to grow with a rapid rate. Many players are getting into the market. With the advances in communication and technology, new lifestyles and the quest to appear young and beautiful, brand loyalty dissertation, the demand for quality beauty products has increased significantly.
Consumer quality sector is characterized by the emergence of exchange offers, discounts and intensive competition. People nowadays want to imitate in regards to dressing, brand loyalty dissertation, language, and politics among other lifestyle aspects. The increasing population is bombarded with information about maintaining a youthful look, making women seek for cosmetics that suit them.
With this knowledge in mind, brand loyalty dissertation, beauty manufacturing product companies make every effort to brand them to capture the brand loyalty dissertation market, brand loyalty dissertation. Companies are competing on the basis of firm grasp of the local and international market, their well acknowledged brands and hold over wide distribution network. The penetration level of consumer products remains high. This research is scoped down to understand the relationship between consumer behavior and brand loyalty, brand loyalty dissertation, factors affecting consumer decision making, the role of brand loyalty in consumer durable goods and the position of the individual consumer in the segment.
The path forward will be to study the secondary data for industry overview, collect primary data for more insight and derive conclusions based on primary and secondary data. The research findings will be addressed brand loyalty dissertation on the theories of consumer buying behavior and brand loyalty.
To be specific, brand loyalty dissertation, these image enhancing strategies ensure that the organization increase the loyalty of the current customers.
In addition, brand loyalty dissertation, the image enhancing strategies should help in the attraction of new customers to the organization. Strategic decisions that can bring enhanced image to the organization have included the selection of target markets, and modification of products to suit the demands of the customers.
The implementation of these strategies ensures that there is a solid background for effective image in the organization, brand loyalty dissertation. The main concern of this research is to determine whether the perception about the brand image affects customer behavior. The interest of the research is to determine if brand loyalty influences consumer behavior, brand loyalty dissertation.
This study would be of value to those organizations concerned about the society and those concerned with the attaining off the highest possible profit, brand loyalty dissertation. Further, the study brand loyalty dissertation to find if consumers have positive attitudes for those organizations that improve their brand loyalty and social responsibility.
The main focus of this study is to measure the attitudes of customers in relation to brand loyalty and to ascertain its influence of this attitude on brand loyalty. Study of attitudes enables organization managers to answer questions as to why a consumer purchased one product over another. The understanding of the consumer attitude towards particular products ensures that they come up with strategies and decisions on major products and market decisions.
The image associated with a particular product or service ensures that it has a competitive advantage over other products and services. Brand loyalty can be referred to as the consumer decision; whether conscious or unconscious concerning the use of a product or service.
It may also refer to the intention to buy or use a particular product for a long duration of time. Brand loyalty is achieved due to the right features, and the quality of the brand. Quality of the product must be at the right price for the consumer to perceive the brand as being loyal to their needs. Organizations can change consumer behavior concerning a particular product or service through advertising. Advertising ensures that consumers acquire new habits, and instill those habits by telling the consumers how the product is of value to their money.
Consumers should also be encouraged to continue using the products and services in the future Hoyer and Maclnnis,p. According to Pride and Ferrelp. In addition, the message should distinguish the product in a positive and memorable manner. The major challenge of organizations is to avoid the disadvantages of portraying a particular product or service as having negative image.
Most organizations have adopted marketing strategies that focus on societal needs. Each of these strategies is philosophical or operational concepts used by organizational leaders to enhance the objectives of their businesses. The following are some of the concepts widely used in organizations Phillips,p. Brand loyalty can be exercised in several ways. The main activities that organizations can do to improve brand loyalty include environmental friendly activities, philanthropy, ethical activities with local, national, and international brand loyalty dissertation, customers, and employees.
Philanthropic activities include engaging donations of money, food, facilities, and time. These activities are classified under the title known as cause related marketing Kahren,p. According to Duttonorganizations have been turning philanthropy activities inward towards their employees. This is done through paying them in order to volunteer for their favorite charities. She, brand loyalty dissertation, however, notes that they mean nothing if they are not adopted by organizations.
Ethical activities include using different hiring practices and employee relations such as high moral values, fair pay, equal treatment, and equal opportunity for all workers. Organizations that do not treat workers fairly have the risk of lowering their brand image. Brand image should start brand loyalty dissertation internal operations; there is no point of trying to show the external clients that business ethics are good while simultaneously engaging in unethical activities towards the employees.
Employees play an important role in advertising the organization to outside clients more than any other marketing strategy. The question of how brand loyalty affects product evaluation was examined by Brown and Dacin In their first research, students analyzed their hypothetical scenarios.
The outcome was that brand loyalty had a significant effect on the way consumers evaluated the product attributes and the overall image of the organization. Their second study found out that social responsibility became significant predictor of product loyalty in the consumers and its evaluation. In any organization, quality of products can be determined according to the consumer attitude towards the product with other products available to the consumer in the market.
Zeitmal further assert brand loyalty dissertation few consumers are able to analyze and measure the objective properties of a product. This is because the objective assessment depends on the verifiable standards, the brand loyalty dissertation measurement can be questioned because it depends on who set the standards. According to Lunnthe theory introduces theories and concepts from other disciplines including behavioral sciences. The value of behavioral sciences has been used in consumer knowing what the consumer wants.
Well known examples are included in the manifestations of motivational research and such attitude theories as those of Festinger and Fishbein, brand loyalty dissertation. The strength of the a priori lies in the organization and the systematic basis of knowledge provided about certain aspects of the consumer, brand loyalty dissertation.
According to KatzBrand loyalty theory has three distinct dimensions. The first dimension is referred to as emotive tendency towards products and services. The emotive tendency refers to the consumer likes and dislikes which is manifested on how they purchase a particular brand in the market. The second dimension is known as evaluative tendency towards products and services.
Katz refers to this tendency as positively biased evaluation of a product or service. Organizations use positive characteristics to define brand utili6ty to the customers. The evaluative tendency of the product or service can also be determined from past experience in using the brand. Behavioral tendency towards the brand is the next dimension.
Katz refers to the behavior tendency as the biased responses consumers have towards a particular product or service regarding its procurement, purchase and consumption characteristics. Consumer characteristics such as shopping, paying for the product, as well as its consumption determine the behavior tendency.
Behavior tendency is developed after using the product brand loyalty dissertation a long period of time. In addition, behavior tendency can be developed from good or bad tendencies toward other brands. Sandhusen assert that the black box model is an interaction of several perspectives concerning a specific brand.
The perspectives include the stimuli, consumer characteristics, choice patterns and consumer responses.
The focus of the organization is not in the internal processes within the customer: the organization focuses on the relation between stimuli and response of the customer. Stimuli are related to the marketing characteristics developed by an organization in order to lure the customer in purchasing of the brand. The environmental stimuli are determined by social factors such as politics, economy and the culture in which the brand is to be used.
The black box symbolizes the buyer characteristics and their choice patterns, which determine their response towards a particular brand. From the various brand loyalty dissertation that influence brand loyalty, below are the hypothesis derived.
H1: There is a positive correlation between brand loyalty product and brand name. H2: There is a positive correlation between brand loyalty and product quality. H3: There is a positive significant relationship between brand loyalty and product design. H4: There is a positive significant relationship between brand loyalty and product price. H5: There is a positive correlation between brand loyalty and promotion. H6: There is a significant correlation between service quality and brand loyalty.
H7: There is a positive significant relationship between store environment and brand loyalty, brand loyalty dissertation. The main objective of this research was to establish how brand loyalty influences cosmetics buying behavior of UK female consumers. This section also highlights the various processes undertaken in obtaining and analyzing the information gathered for this research. This includes a description of the research brand loyalty dissertation and brand loyalty dissertation used in collecting the data that were analyzed to arrive at a conclusion in the study.
Based on the nature and the topic to be studied, this research will be conducted on positivist philosophy. It will be based on this philosophy because the research will involve testing of hypothesis developed from deductive theory, brand loyalty dissertation, involving measurement of observable social realities. This research will be conducted on deductive approach based on hypothesis testing from the data collected. Data will then be analyzed to either confirm or disapprove the hypothesis.
Brand loyalty dissertation collection will consist of surveys, filling in questionnaires and brand loyalty dissertation interviews with cosmetic consumers and dealers in Brand loyalty dissertation, UK. Qualitative evaluation shall be employed in this research besides using subjective techniques such as interviews and observations to gather relevant and substantive data. Quantitative approach is preferred for this research due to the varying experiences of the consumers of these products.
Upon collecting data using interviews and questionnaires, the data will then be carefully analyzed. In this research, brand loyalty dissertation, a questionnaire was developed, brand loyalty dissertation, and pilot tested through personal interviews with seven senior-most managers at Superdrug, which is the second largest health and beauty retail shop in UK.
The questionnaire used for collecting data was divided into two brand loyalty dissertation the first section concerns the demographics of consumers and the second were about brand loyalty factors.
This research involved sampling randomly female cosmetic consumer of between 18 to 42 years of age.
Email Tales: Using Storytelling Emails to Build Relationships and Foster Brand Loyalty
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May 08, · As a team of well-versed professionals dedicated to helping students to achieve Brand Loyalty Dissertation their academic goals, we ensure that every order is completed by the deadline, all Brand Loyalty Dissertation instructions are met, and the quality corresponds to the highest academic standards. All our papers are % authentic, perfectly structured and /10() As a % legit paper writing website we guarantee to fulfill your task from scratch within the Brand Loyalty Dissertation next 24 hours. Brand Loyalty Dissertation If you need, we could do it even faster. An essay can be written in 1 hour, just say the word. Also, you'll be glad to know Brand Loyalty Dissertation that more than 35% of orders are done before the Brand /10() Oct 01, · In a research philosophy, the researcher mainly focuses on the decisive element, and the study focuses on the performance and surveillance of the two vital issues, Brand Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction. These elements are the most significant priority in an online organisation like Amazon
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