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Outsourcing Aviation Maintenance and the Correlation in Human Factors - Dissertations Expert
Description The focus topic will be? Outsourcing Aviation Maintenance and the Correlation in Human Factors?. The review paper must provide an original perspective on the literature, not merely a summary but an extension of knowledge on a topic. Use the attached articles for dissertation on hr outsourcing research study and references.
The paper should contain these major sections: 1. Statement of the Issue or Problem 1 page 2. Review of Relevant Research include references to aviation human factors 5 pages 4. Summary of Major Findings and Conclusions 1 page 5. The aims of this paper are 1 to identif y the characteristics of maintenance service providers that directly impact maintenance service quality, using 18 independent covariables; 2 to quantif y the change in risk these covariables present to service quality, measured in terms of equipment turnaround time TAT.
Finally, the research team conducted a statistical analysis to accomplish the research objectives. The results of this study offer strong empirical evidence that the most influential variables affecting the quality of maintenance service performance are the following: type of maintenance, availability of spare parts in the country, user training, technological complexity of the equipment, distance between the company and the hospital, and the number of maintenance visits performed by the company, dissertation on hr outsourcing.
Headnote Abstract The aims of this paper are 1 to identif y the characteristics of maintenance service providers that directly impact maintenance service quality, using 18 independent covariables; 2 to quantif y the change in risk these covariables present to service quality, measured in terms of equipment turnaround time TAT.
Keywords Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital; Clinical Engineering; Outsourced Services; Biomedical Engineering; Survival Analysis Introduction The outsourcing of production and maintenance processes has become a frequent practice for many industries.
Government, medical devices, and aviation are just a few examples of industries increasingly using outsourcing for maintenance services. Among the most representa- tive are fiscal pressures, contract restrictions, political forces, dissertation on hr outsourcing, bureaucratic routines, and market conditions. For example, many authors have focused their research on the development of mathematical models for maximizing not only the contractors profit, but also the total profit of the outsourcing system.
In the literature on maintenance, two papers are significant. Finally, considerable theoretical and anecdotal work has focused on managing the contract performance of outsourced services in maintenance and production processes, hypothesizing that both contractual completeness and strategic evaluation have significant positive effects on overall outsourcing performance.
Still, the results obtained from previous studies indicate that the evaluation of outsourcing performance merits deeper evaluation, dissertation on hr outsourcing, as no statistical evidence was found to support the hypotheses that contractual completeness and strategic evaluation have positive dissertation on hr outsourcing on outsourc- ing performance. In addition to affecting costs and patient waiting times, the unavail- ability of medical devices has an inherent risk for patients, dissertation on hr outsourcing.
Thus, maintenance service must be done in a timely and competent manner. Yet in spite of the importance of the matter, healthcare institutions continue to lack adequate methods for evaluating the perfor- mance of maintenance service providers.
In many cases, the information required to complete such studies is simply unavailable, while the issues that influence contract service provider performance are neither known nor measured, dissertation on hr outsourcing. Thus, a comprehensive contractual completion and an intensive strategic evalua- tion of contracts cannot always be performed. It has been reported that the variables used to evaluate outsourcing performance are a composite of those that give useful informa- tion related to annual cost,17 service quality, responsiveness or flexibility, and reliability, relative to expectations.
This paper tries to fill the gap in the current evaluation methods of maintenance service provider performance in healthcare institutions. Specifically, the two objectives of this work are: 1. To determine which variables from variable groups GGGand G have a 1 2 3 4 significant influence on the TAT indicator. To build a Cox proportional hazard model to determine quantitatively which of the independent variables in the groups G1, G2, dissertation on hr outsourcing, G3, and G4 have a significant influence on the increase or decrease in the probability of higher or lower values of the TAT variable.
This study contributes to the clinical engineering field in several fundamental ways. First, the results have the potential to substantially enhance the strategic evaluation processes for maintenance outsourcing in the healthcare industry. Although the variables in groups G1, G2, G3, and G4 see Methods for completing an adequate characterization of maintenance service providers were recommended by ECRI,6 there is no current consensus as to which- dissertation on hr outsourcing to what extent-these variables influence performance of maintenance service provid- ers.
Therefore, strategic evaluation processes are difficult to implement because managers do not know which variables to include, nor how to weigh the influence of the variables to make decisions. Second, contractual completeness of outsourcing in the healthcare industry also will benefit.
Once the impact of the variables on the TAT indicator is known, medical engineering departments can write better, more detailed contracts, reducing the risks of contract failure, and thus cutting costs and reducing the risks to the downtime of a healthcare institutions medical devices.
Third, this study will be valuable for healthcare institutions in developing coun- tries, dissertation on hr outsourcing, where contracting maintenance services often is inevitable because hospitals have fewer properly trained employees on staff, and lack material resources to handle these functions dissertation on hr outsourcing their own. Additionally, this study creates a methodol- ogy for monitoring and evaluating the performance of maintenance service providers using statistical analysis, helping managers make better decisions about which variables to include in future strategic evaluation and contract completion processes.
To the knowledge of the authors, the problem of quantitatively determining the independent variables in groups G1, dissertation on hr outsourcing, G2, G3, and G4 with a significant dissertation on hr outsourcing on dissertation on hr outsourcing values of the TAT variable have not been empirically explored in the existing health- care industry literature.
Contextual Issues Regarding the Structure of the Colombian Healthcare System and the Maintenance Modalities of Medical Devices Healthcare services in Colombia are deliv- ered through a complex system which revolves around the General System for Social Security in Healthcare SGSSS which consists of two main components, run by the federal government: the Contribution System RC and the Subsidy System RS. The RS affiliates those who are unable to pay the monthly healthcare payroll deduction such as those earning salaries below the legal mini- mum wage of U.
Inthe RC and RS provided coverage to For the delivery of healthcare services, the system rests upon two fundamental pillars: 1 the insurance providers, which may be either public or private entities which insure the population and act as intermediaries between the State and medical service providers.
These are called healthcare service promoters, known by the Spanish acronym, EPS. On the other hand, during the same period, the percentage of healthcare expendi- dissertation on hr outsourcing corresponding directly to medical services was Of these, 10, were IPS 9, private and 1, public34, were independent professional medical specialists, were special medical transportation companies ambulancesand corresponded to other medical services.
In total, this represents a capacity of approximately 68, hospital beds, or approximately 1. Specifically relating to the specialty of biomedical engineering, in there were a total of 1, engineers and technicians working in the field, dissertation on hr outsourcing. With respect to the maintenance of medical devices in Colombia, there have been three traditional methods for providing equipment maintenance service, including: in-house service by the clinical or biomedical department, the original equipment manu- facturer OEMdissertation on hr outsourcing, and third party TP or independent service organizations ISOs.
Maintenance service by the OEM may be on-demand or under contract-during or after warranty-and requires overseeing the quality of the maintenance service performed. A TP is used when the OEM delegates its maintenance service to one.
A TP has the same requirements as those of the OEM, with respect to monitoring and quality measure- ment of maintenance service performance. Providing a full characterization of mainte- nance service provider and the maintenance modalities i. Still, some scholars have reported that this market is characterized by, 1 a high level of maintenance outsourcing services in hospitals, in some cases more than For example, Cruz et. al22 found that In addition, the same study found poor maintenance service provider perfor- mance, characterized by high turnaround time values for medical devices, with an extreme TAT value of days; and an average value of 9.
In Colombia, hospital administrators face many challenges dissertation on hr outsourcing deciding whether to outsource maintenance services. For exam- dissertation on hr outsourcing, when hospitals purchase highly complex equipment and the OEM refuses to allow other maintenance organizations i.
Additionally, TP maintenance providers often lack the ability to invest in such idiosyncratic assets due to the high costs involved in using highly specialized parts and the additional cost of keeping parts in storage.
Parts are thus ordered on an on- demand basis from an external supplier, such as the OEM, dissertation on hr outsourcing, resulting in longer equipment turnaround time. If the OEM does not have a formal policy of supporting other maintenance companies, it may view other companies as competitors with respect to its own equipment mainte- nance business and thus delay or block the sale of specific spare parts. Research Methods This study was conducted in a public hospi- tal, of high-level complexity, according to the Colombian Ministry of Health hospital classification, with three full-time equivalent biomedical technicians in its clinical engi- neering department.
The hospital has an average of licensed beds, with a total of 1, medical devices in its inventory. The authors of this paper followed the methodology proposed by Miguel et. The main goals were to determine the state of the equipment inventory and to determine which medical devices were under outsourced maintenance service. Equipment variables for inventory characterization were monitored in nine pilot areas5 in the hospital under study. For the purposes of this study, the most important variables are the equipment level of obsolescence Obsoleccalculated as the ratio of equipment use time, in years UT to useful life, in years UL.
This transformation from a ratio to binary dissertation on hr outsourcing for this variable has proven feasible in many applications to measure the obsolescence of medical devices. Finally, the equipment types EqTypes included were Diagnostics, Treatment, Dissertation on hr outsourcing, Support, and Laboratory. All independent variables for both inventory and maintenance service provider characteri- zation were then classified into groups.
Group 1 G : HR-FF included variables 1 measuring service provider and human resource features; Group 2 included the service features they offer G : FServ ; Group 3 included variables measuring the type of contractual relationships G : CRS ; and last, Group 4 measured the equipment features under their charge G : CEq for more details see column 2 of Table 1.
Next, the research team monitored each service provider for the turnaround time TAT variable i. Normally TAT dissertation on hr outsourcing defined as the time from service request until the equip- ment is back up and running. As both response time and downtime of maintenance service provider is included in TAT, we decided to use TAT as dependent variable instead of the time that equipment is unavail- able due to repair or preventive maintenance, i.
The authors of this research believe that TAT is a more comprehensive indicator than others i. downtime, in hoursbecause it directly relates to the availability of medical devices i. lower values of medical device TAT means lower values of availability6 making it an appropri- ate indicator of maintenance performance.
Obviously, the timeframe for TAT calculation differs if the work order is preventive dissertation on hr outsourcing corrective. This categorization allowed us to conduct statistical tests8 between the variable catego- ries in groups G1, G2, G3 and G4 and the TAT values for each category see column 5, i.
Log Rank Test of Table 1. Where these tests produced significant results i. As shown in Table 1, dissertation on hr outsourcing, most tests for these variables produced significant results. Thus, the next step was to quantify the relationship between variables in groups G1, G2, G3 and G4 and TAT.
To do that, a Cox proportional hazard model was built. In this model, variables of groups G1, G2, G3 and G4 are called co- variables.
The methodology fol- lowed to build the model was proposed by Hosmer. Results Table 1 shows the results of the statistical tests, as a necessary step before building the Cox model, between categories of independ- ent variables of groups G1, G2, G3, and G4, and TAT. The Cox model found that the subset of significant variables that determine the quantitative relationship in terms of increase or decrease in risk for higher or lower values of TAT in function of variables in groups G1, G2, G3, and G4 were: whether the mainte- nance service providers have replacements parts in the country the service is dissertation on hr outsourcing RepParCount G ; distance of the service 1 provider from the hospital, in kilometers HospDist G ; the number of annual visits 1 stipulated in the contract, including both preventive visits NvisitYear G ; whether training is provided to users UserTraining G ; maintenance type MaintType G ; 23 and technical complexity of equipment Complex G see Table 2 for more details.
This in turn should help to obtain better contractual completeness results. However, dissertation on hr outsourcing, in developing countries, where a dissertation on hr outsourcing of standardized contracting proce- dures, methodologies, and variables to measure the performance of maintenance service providers is common, the determina- tion of the variables that impact performance and the respective inclusion of penalties in the contract are very important issues that deserve to be studied.
From a managerial perspective, our results lead to a number of implications for the selection and negotiation processes with medical device maintenance service provid- ers. Some of the most important are: 1. We found that the higher the geographical distance between the maintenance service provider, the higher the TAT values. Our suggestion here is, whenever possible, ensure that the maintenance service provider has the technical capability to provide the service using either a diagnos- tic remote service or through the adoption of Help Desk concept service.
During the negotiation process, make sure that maintenance service providers have invested in ancillary telecommunication infrastructure to incorporate and extend the maintenance support of medical devices at distances geographically sepa- rate from maintenance service providers.
We also found higher TAT values when the maintenance service provider did not have equipment parts in the same country in which maintenance service was provided. Our suggestions here are: a negotiate at least a year post-warranty provision of critical parts with the equipment vendor at the time of purchase, and establish channels with the OEM for subsequent purchases of spare parts; b whenever possible, for both clinical engineering departments and government healthcare systems, create a specific internal depart- ment e.
We found that TAT is lower if the mainte- nance service provider includes some specific repair parts in the contract agreement. The advice here is, whenever possible during the negotiation phase, ensure the inclusion of necessary terms and conditions in contracts with mainte- nance service providers in order to guarantee the inclusion in the contract of parts crucial to the maintenance tasks.
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