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Most influential person essay

Most influential person essay

most influential person essay

Feb 11,  · Undoubtedly, the most influential people in my life have been my mother and father. It is to them that I credit many of my accomplishments and successes--both inside and outside of school. Throughout my childhood, my parents have always fostered and encouraged me in all my endeavors Oct 15,  · The 25 Most Influential Works of American Protest Art Since World War II Three artists, a curator and a writer came together to discuss the pieces that have not only best reflected the era, but Sep 24,  · By digging so deeply into his assignment, Smith created a singular, starkly intimate glimpse into the life of a remarkable man. It became not only the most influential photo essay in history but the aspirational template for the form. (Photo credit: W. Eugene Smith). Boat Of No Smiles, It’s easy to ignore the plight of refugees

The Undefeated 44 most influential black Americans in history — The Undefeated

T his is a list of The Undefeated 44, a collection of dreamers and doers, noisy geniuses and quiet innovators, record-breakers and symbols of pride and aspiration. The most gravity-defying, emulated athlete the world has ever produced. This is not a list of The Greatest African-Americans of All Time or The Most Influential Blacks in History. Or even The Dopest Brothers and Sisters Who Matter Most This Most influential person essay. It is a list — fervently debated among our staff, chiseled and refined — of 44 blacks who shook up the world or at least their corner of it.

We recognize that this is not a complete list of jaw-dropping black achievers; we know that such a list would never run out of names. Why limit ours to 44? You may have favorites we overlooked or thought about and decided against. In the meantime, enjoy The Undefeated 44, which includes:. The rawest, most piercingly funny comedian ever. The Olympic sprinter who exploded the canard of white athletic superiority only to be rewarded with low-paying jobs like pumping gas.

Let the debate continue. We are The Undefeated. Not Conventional. Never Boring. The story of the pioneer of the black press involves slaves, Nazis and 25 cents. Born just five years after the end of the Civil War, Robert Sengstacke Abbott founded a weekly newspaper, most influential person essay, The Chicago Defenderone of the most important black newspapers in history, in Without Abbott, there would be no Essence, no Jet and its Beauty of the Weekno Black Enterpriseno The Sourceno The Undefeated.

Walker and paved the way for prominent black publishers such as Earl G. Graves, John H. Johnson and Edward Lewis, most influential person essay. The son of slaves, Abbott grew up with a half-German stepfather whose relatives eventually joined the Third Reich during the s. Ironically enough, young Robert was taught to hate racial injusticedespite encountering it at every turn in his life, from his early foray into the printing business to his time in law school in Chicago, all the way to religious institutions.

An alum of Hampton University then named Hampton InstituteAbbott was a catalyst for the Great Migration at the turn of the 20th century, when 6 million African-Americans from the rural South moved to urban cities in the West, Northeast and Midwest, withsettling in Chicago.

Like a politician promising tax breaks to out-of-state companies to inspire relocation, Abbott took it upon himself to lay out the welcome mat for the millions of blacks abandoning the Jim Crow South to head to the Windy Citywhere manufacturing jobs were awaiting as World War I approached. What started off as 25 cents in capital and a four-page pamphlet distributed strictly in black neighborhoods quickly grew into a readership that eclipsed half a million a week at its peak, numbers that mirror the Miami Herald and Orlando Sentinel today.

The Defender was initially banned in the South due to its encouragement of African-Americans to abandon the area and head North, but the Georgia native used a network of black railroad porters who would eventually become the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters to distribute the paper in Southern states. After the influx of blacks in the Midwest following the Great Migration, most influential person essay, Abbott and The Defender turned their attention to other issues afflicting blacks in the early 20th century, including Jim Crow segregation, the presidency of Woodrow Wilson and the deadly Chicago riots that mirrored recent-day demonstrations seen in Baltimore and Ferguson, Missouri.

Sengstacke, took The Defender over in the s, eventually heading black newspapers in Detroit and MemphisTennesseeand the historic Pittsburgh Courier. Sometimes I play a little what-if game with deceased artists whom I admire. What if so-and-so were still alive? Fortunately for us, Alvin Ailey, the legendary modern dance pioneer, choreographer and civil rights artist-as-activist, left us his answers. Although Ailey died nearly 30 years ago, many of his best-known pieces have become as emblematic of vibrant, relevant American art as tap dance, jazz, the literature of Toni Morrison and hip-hop.

Ailey explored issues of social justice, racism and spirituality in the African-American experience. This was during the height of the civil rights movement, when the notion of black classically trained dancers moving to the music of Duke Ellington, gospel, blues, Latin and African pop was truly revolutionary, if not unfathomable.

Born into poverty in Texas inAiley drew from his emotional well of close-knit black churches, rural juke joints, fiery protest songs and a lonely childhood as a closeted gay man to fuel his passion for dance.

He befriended many of his fellow mid-century American masters Maya Angelou, Carmen De Lavallade, Merce Cunningham and Katherine Dunham, to name a few while living in New York. Muhammad Ali is the undisputed president of athletes, taking office on June 4, Just over a month earlier, the heavyweight boxing champion refused to be drafted into the Vietnam War.

The united front in Cleveland also proved an inspiration for Martin Luther King Jr. As a boxer most influential person essay, Ali is considered the greatest of all time. His style, power, ring savvy and winning of an Olympic gold medal and the world heavyweight title three times was unprecedented. He lost the heavyweight crown in His religious conversion to Islam only made him more resolute. Ali, at age 32, was the underdog.

In an eighth-round knockout, most influential person essay, Ali reclaimed the heavyweight title that had been taken from him 10 years earlier. A Feb. Allen is considered the founder of the African Methodist Episcopal AME Church in America. That church, now with a membership of most influential person essay than 2. Former slave. Richard Allen, the name he chose as a freedman, came most influential person essay age during the American Revolution, just as the antislavery movement and denominational Christianity were gaining prominence.

Allen discovered religion after hearing a Methodist preacher at a secret gathering of slaves in Delaware. In his biography, The Life Experiences and Gospel Labors of the Rt. Allen, his wife Sarah and others opened the doors of Bethel AME Church on July 29,on the site of a converted blacksmith shop on Sixth Street in Philadelphia. They elected Allen bishop, a position he held until his death in Allen focused his sermons on the freedom of slaves, cessation of colonization, education of youths and temperance.

He created denominational groups to care for and educate the poor. His home and Bethel AME were stops on the Underground Railroad.

Recognizing that former slaves and freedmen needed education, he opened a day school for black children and a night school for adults. He authored three pamphlets about escaping the bonds of most influential person essay, including An Address to Those Who Keep Slaves and Approve the Most influential person essay. Maya Angelou lived a life just as remarkable as the poetry and prose she crafted in her 86 years on this earth.

Despite horrific periods in her life, most influential person essay, Angelou rose. The once garrulous girl from Stamps, Arkansas, silenced herself for nearly five years, believing that her voice had killed the man because she identified him to most influential person essay family. Instead, she memorized poetry during her silence, rearranging cadences and reciting Shakespearean sonnets in her head.

With the help of a teacher, Angelou was able to speak again. She used literature to recover from trauma, but got pregnant at Angelou spoke honestly of her experiences, unashamed to walk in the truths of her past. Later, she joined the Harlem Writers Guild and with help from friend and fellow author James Baldwin, went on to write I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings in — the first in what would become a seven-volume, best-selling autobiographical series. Nearly a decade later, Angelou struck poetic gold with And Still I Risea collection that remains one of her most important works.

Angelou was also a fearless and determined civil rights activist, serving as the northern coordinator for Martin Luther King Jr. Life tried hard to break Angelou, but in the face of it all, still she rose. If Martin Luther King Jr. was the head of the civil rights movement, most influential person essay, Ella Baker was its backbone. Born on Dec. Baker did grow frustrated at the lack of gender equality within the group, and came close to quitting in But then, on Feb.

After being denied service, they were asked to leave. Instead, they refused to leave and a movement was born. A graduate of Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina, who during her time there often challenged university policies, Baker viewed young people as one of the strongest and most influential person essay important aspects of the civil rights movement.

Inspired by the courageous sit-ins, most influential person essay, Baker laid the framework for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee SNCC. SNCC became one of the most important organizations in American civil rights history because of its commitment to effecting change through Freedom Rides and its particular emphasis on the importance of voting rights for African-Americans. As a dedicated change agent, Baker taught young people that their spirit was essential to the movement.

As long as they had the audacity to dream of a better, equal and brighter tomorrow — through the means of relentless peaceful protest and endurance — a fairer society awaited them. Baker died on Jan. James Baldwin knew it was his job to reveal the truth. The truth about his race. The truth about his country. The ugly truths of racism, poverty and inequality that plagued the United States during his lifetime — and that continue even now, 29 years after his death.

He confronted American racism with fearless honesty and courageously explored homosexuality through his literature and in his life. And he did it with style, most influential person essay. His brilliant prose combined his own experience with the best — and worst — of that of the black life around him: the joy, the blues, the sermons, the spirituals and the bitter sting of discrimination.

The work of Baldwin, a product of Harlem, New York, and a citizen of the world, consistently reflected the experience of a black man in white America. His travels to France and Switzerland only nuanced his most influential person essay of the social conditions of his race and his country.

Although written abroad, his first novel, Go Tell It on the Mountainpublished inilluminated the struggle of poor, inner-city residents and drew on the passion of the pulpit.

His collection of essays The Fire Next Time explosively represented black identity just as the country was coming to terms with just how much white supremacy was in its DNA. His identity informed his artistry.

And his artistry strove to represent every individual whose access to American civil liberties most influential person essay hampered by race, gender, sexuality and socioeconomic status. The most influential person essay of his words is not a history lesson of American culture gone by, it is a reflection of the country alive and in the here and now. Eight short years.

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The most influential historical pictures of all time - Rare Historical Photos

most influential person essay

Sep 07,  · The 50 Most Influential Think Tanks; The 50 Most Influential Living Philosophers; The 10 Most Controversial College Professors in the U.S. Visit our Features sections for even more! This article focuses on the 50 most influential scientists alive today and Sep 24,  · By digging so deeply into his assignment, Smith created a singular, starkly intimate glimpse into the life of a remarkable man. It became not only the most influential photo essay in history but the aspirational template for the form. (Photo credit: W. Eugene Smith). Boat Of No Smiles, It’s easy to ignore the plight of refugees Feb 11,  · Undoubtedly, the most influential people in my life have been my mother and father. It is to them that I credit many of my accomplishments and successes--both inside and outside of school. Throughout my childhood, my parents have always fostered and encouraged me in all my endeavors

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