This paper provides the first examination of (1) operating system behavior on an SMT architecture, and (2) a Web server SMT application. For server-based environments, the operating system is a crucial component of the workload. Previous research suggests that database systems spend 30 to 40 percent of their execution Apr 03, · Every operating system has its own set of differences in the composition and structure of the operating system and this study focuses on the underlying strengths and Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins This chapter describes typical architectures and generic functions of operating systems. Section 1 introduces the basic concept and brief history of operating system technologies. Section 2 Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
recent research papers on operating system
To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Skip to main content. edu no longer research paper on operating systems Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. Operating Systems 70, Followers. Papers People. Estimating the Size of Natural Networks Using Local Information. In this work, we address the problem of locally estimating the size of a natural network using local information: fitting the sum of new neighbors discovered at step of a breadth-first search BFS with a logarithmic function we With rather little computation, research paper on operating systems, we reach an estimation error of at most five percent, only allowing the BFS to visit at most ten percent of the whole network.
Save to Library. Investigating the role of attention in phonetic learning. Hardware-Software Trade-Offs In a Direct Rambus Implementation of the RAMpage Memory Hierarchy. Most of the existing IT applications are designed to cater to a small fraction of the human population. The precluded set consists of more than a billion people who either cannot afford a PC and Internet or are not skilled enough to be The precluded set consists of more than a billion people who either cannot afford a PC and Internet or are not skilled enough to be able to use them.
However, the IT needs of this segment is similar in nature and perhaps. Fixing a problem in the Helsinki protocol. Chris J. Mitchell and Chan Yeob Yeun Information Security Group, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, UK { c. mit chell, c Also note that the Horng-Hsu attack is closely related to the Lowe attack on the Also note that the Horng-Hsu attack is closely related to the Lowe attack on the Needham-Schroeder protocol, [4, 5]. On the value of threshold signatures.
Threshold signature schemes are examples of threshold cryptosystems, as introduced by Desmedt, [4]. The purpose of this paper is to present a rather simple alternative to threshold signatures which raises questions about the value of such The purpose of this paper is to present a rather simple alternative to threshold signatures which raises questions about the value of such schemes, at least when applied to the mobile agent scenario.
A pragmatic alternative to undetachable signatures. Undetachable signatures were introduced by Sander and Tschudin, [4], as a means of giving a mobile agent the means to sign a message on behalf of a user, without The alternative discussed in this paper involves the use of conventional signatures and public key certificates.
The Deadlock problem. The desire for a better utilisation of resources and an acceleration of computing introduced the concept of parallelism with all its difficulties. Soon the danger of eternal delays of processes was discovered and called deadlock. For almost twenty years a lot of publications have dealt with problems considering deadlocks or their environment. Here we want to give a classification of our collected publications. This classification regards different aspects of the problem and cannot always be given unambigiously so that many research paper on operating systems are listed several times.
We would research paper on operating systems to get knowledge of other interesting articles or textbooks to this theme. Computer organization and architecture. Research paper on operating systems collectifs départementaux. Analyse des évolutions dans les réseaux hors Île-de-France Dossiers CERTU N° Depuis la décentralisation deles conseils généraux exercent une missiXon de service public dans le Configuration in ERP SaaS Multi-Tenancy, research paper on operating systems.
Software as a Service SaaS becomes in this decade the focus of many enterprises and research. SaaS provides software application as Web based delivery to server many customers.
This sharing of infrastructure and application provided by This sharing of infrastructure and application provided by Saas has a great benefit to customers, since it reduces costs, minimizes risks, improves their competitive positioning, as well as seeks out innovative. SaaS application is generally developed with standardized software functionalities to serve as many customers as possible. However many customers ask to change the standardized provided functions according to their specific business needs, and this can be achieve through the configuration and customization provided by the SaaS vendor.
Allowing many customers to change software configurations without impacting others customers and with preserving security and efficiency of the provided services, becomes a big challenge to SaaS vendors, who are oblige to design new strategies and architectures.
Comparison of Advance Tree Data Structures. VoSeq: A Voucher and DNA Sequence Web Application. Abstract specification and formalization of an operating system kernel in Z. One of the mini challenges in software verification related to the Grand Challenge proposed by Tony Hoare concerns the formal specification and research paper on operating systems of an operating system kernel.
This paper proposes a simple and correct This paper proposes a simple and correct specification of an OS kernel in Z which simplifies the understanding and verification of operating system components. Our current specification comprises process management, interprocess communication.
Software development in LDM, research paper on operating systems. LDM Logic based Development Method is a method, a language, and a support system for designing software objects on different levels of abstraction.
It is based on the ideas of logic programming PROLOG and the Vienna Development Method It is based on the ideas of logic programming PROLOG and the Vienna Development Method VDM. The paper gives an overview of the method, the language, the first experimental support system, and the experiences from its usage.
A Cloud-Based Prototype Implementation of a Disease Outbreak Notification System. This paper describes the design, prototype implementation and performance characteristics of a Disease Outbreak Notification System DONS.
It detects potential outbreaks of both listed and unknown diseases. It uses data mining techniques to choose the correct algorithm to detect outbreaks of unknown diseases. Our experiments showed that the proposed system has very high accuracy rate in choosing the correct detection algorithm. To our best knowledge, DONS is the first of its kind to detect outbreaks of unknown diseases using data mining techniques.
Light-weight communications on Intel's single-chip cloud computer processor. Many-core chips are changing the way high-performance computing systems are built and programmed. As it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain cache coherence across many cores, manufacturers are exploring designs that do not As it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain cache coherence across many cores, manufacturers are exploring designs that do not feature any cache coherence between cores.
Communications on such chips are naturally implemented using message passing, which makes them resemble clusters, but with an important difference. Building reliable, high-performance communication systems from components. Challenges and opportunities for efficient computing with FAWN. This paper presents the architecture and motivation for a clusterbased, many-core computing architecture for energy-efficient, dataintensive computing. FAWN, a Fast Array of Wimpy Nodes, consists of a large number of slower but efficient FAWN, a Fast Array of Wimpy Nodes, consists of a large number of slower but efficient nodes coupled with low-power storage.
We present the computing trends that motivate a FAWN-like approach, for CPU, memory, and storage. We follow with a set of microbenchmarks. Performance of the world's fastest distributed operating system. Distributed operating systems have been in the experimental stage for a number of years now, but few have progressed to the point of actually being used in a production environment.
It is our belief that the reason lies primarily with the It is our belief that the reason lies primarily with the performance of these systemsthey tend to be fairly slow compared to traditional single computer systems. The Amoeba system has been designed with high performance in research paper on operating systems. In this paper some performance measurements of Amoeba are presented and comparisons are made with UNIX on the SUN, as well as with some other interesting systems, research paper on operating systems.
In particular, short remote procedure calls take 1. The real speed of the file server is too high to measure. To the best of our knowledge, these are the best figures yet reported in the literature for the class research paper on operating systems hardware used, research paper on operating systems.
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operating systems. These devices use a whole new set of operating systems, many associated with the established personal computer platforms. While computer operating systems are geared to larger screens and keyboard and mouse input, phone operating systems are suited to smaller screens and more direct methods of interaction. The open- This paper provides the first examination of (1) operating system behavior on an SMT architecture, and (2) a Web server SMT application. For server-based environments, the operating system is a crucial component of the workload. Previous research suggests that database systems spend 30 to 40 percent of their execution Operating systems have been around for a long time in many forms for different types of devices It is normally general purposes OSs that are studied research papers presented in the mainstream OS conferences: SOSP, OSDI, etc. Guess what the most common topic area has been
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