Universal health care is a broad notion that has been implemented in several ways. The common denominator for all such programs is some form of government action aimed at providing access to health care as widely as possible. Most countries implement universal health care through legislation, regulation and taxation Government Regulation and the Health Care System Government should supply wellness attention to all citizens irrespective of their ability to pay for that attention. There are different ways of showing the basic moral demand for sufficient wellness attention as blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins Nevertheless, many people believe that the government must bear full responsibility for providing the money our health care service needs. However, I do not completely agree with the idea. The government will not be able to provide enough money to guarantee the use of the most innovative methods of treatment
Should the Government Provide Health Care? | blogger.com
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If we go on without change, the consequences will be devastating for millions of Americans and disastrous for the nation in human and economic terms. Today millions of Americans cannot afford the sufficient healthcare they need.
Constant concerns about the state of the health care system produced many promises from presidents and congressional officials to change this situation, but brought few positive results. Today, it is clear that state governments should be the principal source of policy innovation in health care that will provide the public with sufficient healthcare. It should also be a basic premise of that system that every citizen who is able to pay toward those health care services should do so.
A major argument of this paper is that government alone has the ultimate responsibility for the health care of its community and not business or industry. Government should provide health care to all citizens regardless of their ability to pay for that care. There are different ways of expressing the basic moral demand for sufficient health care as due. First, people have a right to health care that they can claim against the government.
Second, the governments have responsibility to provide health care that will generate commitment to social solidarity. To this one can add the right to participate in the family and private life of communities. The concept of state health care to all citizens is strong in Canada and Western Europe. The governments focus on the need of the citizens living together to support and help one another.
The governments provide health and social resources necessary for people to function as a community McDonough The main focus is on the needs of the people living in one country. Guaranteed access to health care is meant to locate the citizens within a community and produce a communal and not just a private good. The fundamental principle of the state health care is simply stated. It is that affordable, high-quality health care should be available to all citizens without financial barriers to access.
There are a variety of regulation forms through which the principle may be implemented. For example, a tax-based public service as in the UK or the Nordic countries, tax-financed insurance as in Canada, or legally required obligatory social insurance as in Germany.
In their different ways all three forms of state organization can be considered as compatible with the principle of comprehensive, high-quality healthcare available to all who need medical help. Responsibility for managing the organization and delivery of health care should rest wholly on the shoulders of state governments.
Constantly increasing competition in the modern health care industry has changed the role of the governments. It rearranged health care advocacy coalitions and interests, and made existing government policy tools obsolete or less meaningful. The public remains anxious about efforts to reduce subscriber utilization of inpatient hospital care and specialist services as a means of controlling costs Chapman The growing use of restrictive managed care arrangements by insurers has generated new concerns about the quality of care provided to the elderly, the poor, and patients who require costly treatments McDonough Under these circumstances, enacting comprehensive should the government provide health care essay care reform at the government level is necessary for coping with the dramatic changes in the organization and should the government provide health care essay of health care.
Within all societies, the governments should assume responsibility for assuring medical care for all citizens. On the one hand, some members of society may not have sufficient means to insure themselves. On the other hand, if they have sufficient resources, they may suffer a form of myopia that means they allocate not adequate resources to cover their health care needs. One solution here can be to blanket in these difficult cases by socializing insurance either through the tax system, as in Canada, or through a system of non-profit sickness funds based on compulsory membership, as in Germany McDonough Insurance services would be produced more efficiently if they were produced by the governments.
It is indicated that the government provides some insurance benefits at a lower unit administrative cost than the private markets would be able to provide them, should the government provide health care essay. For example, Floodp.
It is true that the government can nationalize medical care, make it universal, impose the same benefit scales on every citizen and then administer the system more cheaply than the private markets would do, should the government provide health care essay.
Government may develop sufficient range of insurance products that may appear to add value because they can be adapted to suit individual needs. Assurances from the government to the members of the medical profession and the leaders should the government provide health care essay the voluntary hospital sector can improve access to the health care system for two seriously disadvantaged groups, the elderly and the poor.
All conditions of medical care delivery would remain under professional control and guidance. Responsibility for providing health care services to the uninsured and underinsured should rest should the government provide health care essay with state government.
For example, should the government provide health care essay, in the case of the poor, Congress created Medicaid: the government became the principal payer. This initiative designed a system of universal coverage for their residents. Both Medicare and Medicaid have had success making easier for the states to cover incremental expenditures incurred in treating increasing numbers of the poor and the uninsured. Medicare has also made it easier for rural hospitals and physicians that are in difficulties to increase their revenues and earnings, thereby helping them continue to provide sufficient health care to the rural population.
The government actively promotes competition as a means of controlling costs and increasing access to health care. Medicaid managed care waivers, for instance, can be used to considerably expand access to health care for individuals without health insurance by plowing cost savings from capitation for program enrollees into state-subsidized insurance programs for the working poor Bauman Government can also impose a mandatory budget cap on health care expenditures.
In both examples, government officials are not just passive observers of market competition. Instead, they are channel and direct market forces in pursuit of public goals for example, controlling Medicaid costs.
The primary funding for the health care can be accomplished through a Government Health Care Fund. The funds for this heath care program is derived and provided to the Fund in the following manner Bauman :.
If any kind of universal coverage is adopted, the costs are large in size and require all citizens should the government provide health care essay both contribute to the government health care system and contribute to the reduction of the national debt. In this case, a government health care plan will stand or fall on the willingness of individuals to pay their fair share of the costs for the received health care.
The Role of Government in Health Care. The unsuccessful attempts to enact national health care since early in the century were the result of constant constraints on reorganizing the financing and delivery of health care. Health care has historically been fixed in fee-for-service physician care and the prevalence of voluntary hospitals. Further, the health care system was extremely transformed in the post-war period by the rapid growth of private health insurance.
However, except for tax subvention, the government played no direct role in public health care until the passage of Medicare and Medicaid. Today, the governments should take a lead role in the reform of the current health care system. The governments have residual responsibility for the provision of essential health care to all of their citizens.
Government, not companies, should the government provide health care essay, should provide health care. The goal of transferring full responsibility to government might prove effective. A completely government-controlled health care system could provide basic health care services to the entire population, should the government provide health care essay.
Government provision of adequate health care for the whole population produces commitment to social justice and a sense of solidarity and mutual dependence among the population. Bauman, should the government provide health care essay, Robert E. Chapman, Audrey R. Health Care Reform: A Human Rights Approach. Georgetown University Press: Washington, DC. Crichton, Anne and Robertson, Ann. Health Care: A Community Concern?
University of Calgary Press: Calgary, Alta. Daniels, Norman. Flood, Colleen M. International Health Care Reform: A Legal, Economic, and Political Analysis. Routledge: London. Havighurst, Clark C. and Richman, Barak D. McDonough, John E. University of California Press: Berkeley, CA. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email.
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The whole doc is available only for registered users OPEN DOC, should the government provide health care essay. Pages: 8 Word count: Category: Government Health Health Care. Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed Order Now. Government Regulation and the Health Care System Government should provide health care to all citizens regardless of their ability to pay for that care. Insurance and the Government Should the government provide health care essay all societies, the governments should assume responsibility for assuring medical care for all citizens.
Funding the Government Health Care The government actively promotes competition as a means of controlling costs and increasing access to health care. The funds for this heath care program is derived and provided to the Fund in the following manner Bauman : Employer contribution equal to 3 percent of the gross earnings of each wage or salaried employee. Employee contribution of 7 percent of gross earnings, with no upper limit. A 1 percent Value Added Tax VAT on all consumer durables produced in the home country or imported from foreign nations.
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, time: 13:45The Government Should Provide Health Care | blogger.com
Universal health care is a broad notion that has been implemented in several ways. The common denominator for all such programs is some form of government action aimed at providing access to health care as widely as possible. Most countries implement universal health care through legislation, regulation and taxation Home › Forums › Hermazing Hangout › should the government provide health care essay. This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 years ago by AldenVoks. Viewing 1 post (of 1 total) Author. Posts. September 12, at pm # Reply. AldenVoks. Guest Government Regulation and the Health Care System Government should supply wellness attention to all citizens irrespective of their ability to pay for that attention. There are different ways of showing the basic moral demand for sufficient wellness attention as blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins
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